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The Social Project “Let’s Join Efforts for Children’s Sake” (Developing the Playground for the Children with Disabilities and Children in a Difficult Life Situation), May-October 2012
You can walk, why do you sit?
You can laugh, why are you sad?
Think about those, who cannot walk,
Think about those, who can only silently sit,
Whose eyes cannot manage with darkness,
Who cannot say to somebody: “I love you”…
(from collection of the poetry of N. Bukhanova “I am held up!”)
Since the April, 2012, our Center became to be the first Center of Social Assistance for Family and Children in Tomsk City. We started to deal not only with families in a difficult life situation, but also with families having children with mental and physical disabilities.
The work with this category of the children presupposes creation of an unrestricted environment, the more so because the Center works as a day care center for the children from age 3 to 18 years old. So, we need to adjust all the territory of the Center, including the playground.
The Social Project “Let’s Gather Together for Children’s Sake” was created by us for achieving this goal. The project involves developing the playground and sports ground for the children with disabilities and children in a difficult life situation. There are in Tomsk almost no such playgrounds fit for children with special needs as well as for usual children. There is not enough unrestricted environment in Tomsk in general, that’s why most of disabled people have to stay at their home. But the problem of social rehabilitation of children of these categories and the problem of tolerance to children with disabilities would be solved much more easily if we have a playground and sports ground where different children can communicate, as they are equal.
According to the plan, our playground will have several areas for children of different age groups (although all of them may play in any area they like):
- The first area (Africa) will consist of construction for the children under school age (3-7 age old): a special sandbox on legs, a big playing complex with ramps, a drawing wall, a seesaw, a small gymnastic construction in the form of a Giraffe with basket, a springing seat in the form of Elephant, branches in the form of Crocodiles.
- The second area (City and Sea) will be for children from age 7 to 14 years old and will include a labyrinth, playing complexes in the form of a bus and ship, a springing seat in the form of ship, swings, a pavilion, a small gymnastic construction with horizontal bar, basket and parallel bars.
- The sports area for children from age 14 to 18 years old will have a ping-pong table, field for soccer and hockey, horizontal bars, parallel bars, and gym apparatus.
The total cost of the project is more than 2 million rubles (50 000 euro), and we already have found a quarter of this sum. But the project goes on and we invite new partners. We are sure that the project will have success, because it’s directed at development of the infrastructure for the most vulnerable children. We hope that this project will gather efforts of many organizations and individuals, as was done in our previous project called “Reloading”, and we together can do work which is impossible to be done alone.
The team of partners who are ready to help us in the implementation of the project has already started to gather, and at the end of July there are 12 organizations, government and non-government, profit and non-profit, in the project. And we are very glad to have in the project our old partners, who helped us in our previous projects. And now we want to thank all our friends and partners for their efforts and support!